You And Your Household Will Be Saved…What It TRULY Means8 min read

A household on the hills at dusk

     I see a heartbreaking picture in my mind: a man, angry at God because God didn't keep His promise to him. God didn't save his wife, the most intimate member of his household. You see, his wife passed away not too long ago, and she was not a believer, despite his constant prayers and attempts to convert her for many years. He had become a believer in the middle of their marriage, which caused some tensions. But he hung on to a verse which, he believed, was a promise from God (Acts 16:31). He believed that when he had come to Christ, the rest of his household would also do so. But it never happened. The promise wasn't kept.

    I have read and heard of stories like this happening to people, and it deeply grieves me; not only because a person of someone's family passed away without knowing Christ, but also because another person remains on earth confused, resentful, and angry at God—all because of bad teaching, and bad theology. Some may find this topic very sensitive, and maybe even hurtful if it brings back unwanted memories (which I apologize for), but I find this topic to be of the utmost importance because it is one that can cause, and has caused, some people to fall away from the faith. And since one of my missions is to share God's truth with others in an informed way (despite controversies), I share this truth with you now...

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