Truth In Quotes: A. W. Tozer, “What Ever Happened To Worship?”5 min read

A picture of A. W. Tozer in black and white

    A new class of article added to Truth Informed, Truth In Quotes aims to impart truths through pithy but substantial sayings or quotes from various authors. We will endeavor to find and select the best quotes, from across the theological spectrum, that will surely deepen your spiritual walk with the Lord. In this post, we introduce you to quotes by the late A. W. Tozer.


A. W. Tozer

     A. W. Tozer (1897-1963), an American Christian pastor and author, served in the ministry for 44 years, and was self-taught because of his economic situation; in 1950 he was given an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Wheaton College. Tozer's most famous books are The Pursuit of God and Knowledge of The Holy, but the following quotes are taken from his equally influential book Whatever Happened To Worship? We would truly recommend this book to anyone. To read more about his life, click here.


Cover of A. W. Tozer's book, "Whatever Happened To Worship?"


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