Can True Christians Be Possessed By Demons?8 min read

     Usually around the Halloween/Fall season, people start thinking and wondering about evil. Is it real? Why does it exist? Why is there so much of it? Is Satan really out there? Are demons around us? But Christians, then, start asking themselves, "is it possible for me, a believer and follower of Christ, to be possessed by a demon(s), like the accounts found in the New Testament?" It is a legitimate question and concern, especially for those unsure of their salvation. 

     As with any subject, there is a satisfactory and definitive answer to this question in the Bible. Although there is much confusion out there about the subject of evil, Satan, demons, exorcisms, etc., the answers—the truth—is ready to be discovered by the diligent disciple, eager to know and follow the whole counsel of God's Holy Word. Evil is real, evil spirits are real, but Jesus has authority over all..and the Christian has access to His power. Below is our take on this subject...

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